Optimisation of intensive care units - modelling the influence of architectural, structural measures on infection-critical endpoints
The aim of the project is the development of an architectural concept for an intensive care unit based on empirically proven effectiveness, which takes into account the avoidance of transmission events and the development of nosocomial infections with different transmission paths in the best possible way.
Therefore, a simulationplatform is being developed in interdisciplinary cooperation between architects, infection epidemiologists, mathematical modelers, hospital hygienists and infectiologists, which can be used to estimate the effect of structural measures on the spread of nosocomial infections with different transmission paths in order to design an optimal infection prevention intensive care unit.
The final outcome is the development of an architectural concept for an intensive care unit, which implements the construction measures identified together with a cost-effective analysis and optimizes existing construction concepts in a technically practicable manner.
None at present
Project details
Responsible persons
Project period
Oct 2020 - March 2024
Cooperation partners
TU Braunschweig
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Braunschweig
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur über Niedersächsisches Vorab
External links
None at present