PREparedness and PAndemic REsponse in Deutschland
The goal of PREPARED is to create a plan for a comprehensive, realisable, cooperative, adaptable, and sustainable infrastructure for pandemic management and pandemic preparedness within NUM (Network of University Medicine). This will enable coordinated, swift, purposeful, and evidence-based action and reaction to threats to patient care and the health of the population in a pandemic situation. Our team in Münster is directly involved in working package 5 (AP5) which focuses on disease modelling.
None at present
Project details
Responsible persons
Project period
Sep 2022 - Dec 2023
Cooperation partners
Within all of PREPARED:
All 36 university hospitals across Germany plus additional institutions
Within AP5:
Universitätsklinikum Aachen
Universitätsklinikum Dresden
Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
External links
None at present