
Adaptive (seamless) designs for real-time evaluation of diagnostic tests and their usefulness for the parameterisation of dynamic infection spread models in epidemic and pandemic settings

This interdisciplinary project combines two research areas: Adaptive (seamless) designs for diagnostic studies, which enable modifications during the course of a trial and thereby speed-up the development of diagnostic tests, and dynamic mathematical models, which use realistic infection spread concepts as a basis for the simulation of interventions. Correct parametrisation of basic epidemiological measures in these models is crucial for the interpretability of model results. These parameters are directly derived from aggregated results of diagnostic tests, and have to take the diagnostic accuracy of the respective tests into account. The aim of this project is to create a flexible study concept for the accelerated development of diagnostic tests that can support real-time modelling of infectious disease dynamics in the case of an epidemic or pandemic.


None at present

Project details

Responsible persons

Madhav Chaturvedi

Nicole Rübsamen

André Karch

Project Period

Sep 2021 - Aug 2024

Cooperation partners

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf - Institute of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology


German Research Foundation (DFG)


None at present

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