Thi Phuong Huynh, MSc.

Research Fellow
Working Group: Infectious Disease Epidemiology

"I'm interested in modelling infectious diseases to understand the transmission dynamic better and improve future pandemic preparedness. Currently pursuing my PhD, my research is centred around a project that employs a multidisciplinary approach integrating social contact surveys and GPS data to inform precise modelling parameterization. By dissecting social contacts, I aim to identify patterns crucial for informing targeted public health interventions. Also, I aim to provide actionable intelligence that empowers public health initiatives by bridging the gap between theoretical modelling and real-world data."

+49 251 83 58333

Curriculum vitae
Since 11/2021 PhD in Epidemiology, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
9/2019 - 9/2021 Master of Science in Epidemiology, University of Antwerp, Belgium
6/2015 - 8/2019 Research Assistant, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), Vietnam
9/2010 - 5/2015 Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, International University, Vietnam National University-HCM, Vietnam

Phuong, Huynh Thi and Bartz, Antonia and Berger, Tom and Rübsamen, Nicole and Lange, Berit and Scholz, Stefan and Heinsohn, Torben and Bucksch, Karolin and Jarvis, Christopher I. and Mikolajczyk, Rafael and Karch, Andre and Jaeger, Veronika K., Changes in Social Contact Patterns in Germany During the Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic – an Analysis Based on the Covimod Study. 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFECTIOUS DISEASE DYNAMICS:P2.156, Available at SSRN: or



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