Julia Böhnke, MSc.

PhD student
Working Group: Epidemiological Methods
ZEBra: Project Management

"As a researcher with a background in medical documentation, public health, and epidemiology, it is my goal to improve patient-targeted healthcare and individual health outcomes. This is why I dedicate my time to identifying and enhancing statistical methods to answer research questions. My main focus is hereby on the estimation of the diagnostic test accuracy in longitudinal study settings."

+49 251 83 57033

Curriculum vitae
Since 05/2024 Scientific researcher, Institute for Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Universität Münster
11/2020 – 04/2024 Dr. rer. medic. student, Institute for Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Universität Münster
09/2019 ‑ 08/2020 Master of Science Epidemiology (MSc), University Maastricht, the Netherlands
09/2016 ‑ 08/2019 Bachelor of Science European Public Health (BSc), University Maastricht, the Netherlands with Erasmus semester at the University College Cork, Ireland (01/2018 – 08/2018)
06/2015 ‑ 08/2016 Study assistant for uro-oncological studies in the urological study centre, University Hospital Münster
08/2012 - 06/2015 Training as a specialist for median and information services with a focus on medical documentation, Center for Clinical Studies, University Hospital Münster

A current list of publications is available here.

Teaching (only available in German)




Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie

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